Green, red, or blue? What color is your mind?

Have you ever wondered how your brain works? Why do you sometimes feel torn between impulsive actions and calm, thoughtful actions?
A group of researchers came up with a simple metaphor for how your brain works. They visualized your brain as two distinct parts: the bottom brain represented by the color red, and the top brain, painted in a calming shade of blue.
Red Brain? Wonder how it works!
Picture the following scenario: you have a video conference call with your manager, the CEO, and a few teammates. The call is going well until you start to speak and the mailman arrives. Husky, your dog, starts barking maniacally and won’t stop. Your cat leaps into your lap and cuddles up to you while nudging and purring. In the middle of this chaos, you use your directed attention to focus and gather your thoughts.
You try hard to focus solely on the office call, ignoring the postman, your dog, and the meowing cat. You will experience attention fatigue very quickly when your directing of attention is exhaustive in this way from numerous directions. This is typically how your red brain works. Always racing against the clock and consumed by an urge for the next adrenaline surge.
Your red brain stands for impulsive and involuntary behaviors like binge eating, shopping addiction, drag racing, and gambling. It also triggers your survival functions like the fight-or-flight response.
Blue? Ooooh is it just a hue?
The blue represents slower, voluntary behaviors with which you can learn, rest, digest, plan, make internal choices, and improve the social abilities of empathy and language.
Red brain + Blue brain = Green mind!
The researchers came forward with a fascination theory called Green Mind Theory (GMT), combing both colors of the brain.
According to GMT, being in a constant state of “red alert” is detrimental to your well-being. You may experience frequent digestive issues, weakened immune responses, and a perpetual sense of anxiety. Not only that, you might also end up with attention fatigue, poorer decision-making, and lower self-control.
But, each time you immerse yourself in nature, such as visiting a nearby park or meadow, you can quiet the internal chatter of your mind. It’s during these moments that the blue brain takes control, bringing about a sense of calm and rejuvenation. This is where green exercise comes into play.
To prove this they did a study where 10 volunteers walked alone through a bamboo grove for 15 minutes, and 10 more volunteers walked through the city. The ones who started their trek through the bamboo grove got more lively and attentive soon after. There was an increase in alpha and beta waves after the 15-minute green exercise, as well as a better sense of mental calm, excitement, and satisfaction. The other ten, who went alone for 15 minutes through a city neighborhood, had low alpha and beta waves, proving that they were under stress, distracted, or bored.
Here are a few ideas put together by MyFat Diet for you to develop a green mind:
- Look at fractals in nature or in the parks, for 10-20 minutes:

By doing so your brain can produce more alpha brain waves. These Alpha waves can improve your focus, poise, ability to learn, and coordination. Now that we touched upon alpha, I think it’s a better idea to touch upon the beta waves as well. Beta are quick waves that start while you are deeply contemplating when you need to decide between two options, or when you need to solve a problem.
Apart from plants, find fractal patterns in clouds, rivers, and snowflakes!
A pattern with multiple layers of repetition is called a fractal. Even in the human body, fractals can be found in the veins, nerves, bronchial trees in the lungs, and neurons in the brain. Because fractal patterns occur so frequently in nature, it’s nearly second nature for your brain to react favorably to them. Listening to birdsong and running stream water encourages you to work more productively than listening to the office bustle.
Be a Part of Triangulations!

Triangulations are places that encourage brief, fleeting, random contact in public open spaces such as parks. They are the emotional connections you make when you run into strangers or friends and say hello; ask each other what time it is; chat while walking your dogs; or assemble to watch street entertainers. These fleeting contacts encourage you to view your surroundings, and life, more positively, and gain motivation as well. Hence the need for green exercise!
Create your own tranquil green oasis:
Fill your balcony and porch with a few flowering succulents. Take regular walks in nearby parks or forests, breathe in the fresh air, and let the soothing sounds of nature wash over you.
Do a 20-minute Green Exercise Circuit Training!
To cultivate your green mind, simply observe the fractal patterns in nature, interact with new people, walk outside, and move on your own feet. If you want to start but aren’t sure where to begin, simply stroll to a local park with a bench and some trees.
Try this park circuit workout two to three times a week:

Squat Hold
Squat while keeping your torso upright, until your thighs are parallel to the floor. Hold this stance for a minute while taking in the sounds of the birds and the fractal designs on the leaves.

Bench Triceps Dip
Lower your body until your elbows are bent at a 90° angle and hold this bottom position for 5 counts. Raise your body back to the beginning posture by engaging your triceps. Do 10 reps.

Plank Hold
Keep in mind to breathe rhythmically in and out while holding the plank position. Listen to the bird’s song and feel the wind on your face. Spend up to a minute in this position.

Mountain Climbers
Starting in a high plank position, move your right knee in a running motion towards your right elbow. Maintain a flat back, as you lift your knee. Do 15 reps. Repeat with the opposite leg.

Jog-walk Intervals
Warm up with a 5-minute fast pace walk. Jog for 30 seconds and recover with 30 seconds of a brisk walk. Repeat 5 times in total.

Take a water break to rehydrate your body. Finish with a slower-paced walk back home to cool down.
Till you reach the 20-minute mark, repeat the circuit. Rest as required between rounds. In fact, it’s not always required to exercise continuously for 30 minutes; if you work out smart, you might be able to finish your daily green exercise in just 20 minutes and still get in shape.
Embracing a green mind can inspire you to engage in more pro-social behaviors!
As you cultivate your green mind, you’ll experience a greater sense of compassion and empathy towards others, recognizing the interconnectedness of all living beings. You may find yourself volunteering in community gardens, donating blood, or contributing to charitable causes in your neighborhood.
In this way, the Green Mind Theory opens doors to personal growth and social connection. It encourages you to seek solace in nature, embrace a harmonious balance between your blue and red brain, and make a positive impact on both yourself and the world around you.
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