Home » You Really Need to Untangle These 8 Hair-Loss Myths!
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You Really Need to Untangle These 8 Hair-Loss Myths!

Have you been feeling lost lately among the sea of tips available for hair care? Don't fret just yet because we're here to debunk 8 of the most common myths about hair loss and provide you with some simple techniques to keep your locks looking great for years to come.
man worried at his hair loss has a tuft of hair in his hand

Do you feel worried and overwhelmed when you wake up in the morning? Have you ever felt that your personal life is coming apart while juggling a tight deadline at work and a long to-do list? Even from the cozy confines of your quilt, have you sensed the weight of the day resting heavily on your shoulders?

For example, let’s take one of those herculean days and do a little peep into that mind of yours. Just for fun though, we neither have the technique nor the expertise to read your mind. So, don’t worry! Here’s how the story unravels:

After your morning shower, you hastily dry yourself off and can’t help but notice that your towel appears to be gathering more hair than normal. Oh, there was a tip on the internet that claimed using a t-shirt instead of a towel could prevent hair loss. You drop your towel and reach out for your t-shirt, feeling a mix of uncertainty and curiosity. You can’t help but smile, realizing that you’re willing to try unconventional methods during these unusual times. “Have I come to that? Am I going crazy?” you ask yourself as you look at the mirror.

As soon as you’re done getting ready, you walk out the door, remembering what you saw on the internet last night. From the DIY oatmeal dry shampoo formula to the mayonnaise trick for soft hair, the beer rinses, and the flax seed gel for curl definition and frizz control, the list goes on and on.

Of late, the more desperate you feel, the more puzzled you become about whether to use avocado or unflavored gelatin, uncertain of which one will make your hair thick and shiny. You genuinely want to address your hair fall issue, but you hesitate to take any steps due to the overwhelming number of hair care tips that constantly pop up on your phone, ranging from castor oil to apple cider vinegar. Well, you’re not alone. Don’t let hair loss stress you out. We provide simple techniques and debunked myths to help you make informed decisions on your hair loss journey.

Let’s dispel those myths and distinguish fact from fiction, then!

Myth #1:

Hair that is routinely cut grows more quickly.

hairstylist-giving-haircut-to a customer

Are you guilty of constantly trimming your hair in hopes of growing it faster? I’m sorry to break it to you, but cutting your hair has no impact on how quickly it grows back. It’s comparable to thinking that by getting rid of the weeds in your garden, the flowers will bloom faster.


While trimming your hair does not alter its growth rate, it can promote healthy hair growth by limiting split ends and breaking. Trims every 8-12 weeks might help keep your hair healthy.

Myth #2:

Your hair will grow more rapidly if you brush it 100 times every day.

man brushing his hair as he looks at himself in the mirror

Are you one of those guys who constantly combs or brushes your hair to stimulate growth? Well, over-brushing can actually damage your hair and lead to breakage, so it’s best to brush gently and only as needed. Imagine your hair to be a fragile flower; too much care can be detrimental.

Solution: Here are some effective hair brushes you can consider:

  1. Paddle brush: Paddle brushes are excellent for smoothing out tangles and detangling hair. They can simultaneously cover a lot of hair thanks to their broad, flat surface.
  2. Boar bristle brush: Boar bristle brushes are made from natural animal hair and are great for distributing natural oils throughout your hair. They can help improve the texture and shine of your hair.
  3. Round brushes are excellent for creating curls or waves and adding volume. They come in various sizes to suit different hair lengths and styles.
  4. Wet brush: Wet brushes are designed to be used on wet hair and are gentle on your hair when it’s most vulnerable. They are excellent at preventing breakage and detangling.

Myth #3:

Stress causes permanent hair loss.

stress can cause hair loss..man tired at work with lots of paper work

Are you under stress and noticing more hair than normal in your brush? Although stress can cause hair loss, it’s typically just temporary, and the hair will grow back once the stress has subsided. Today might be a bad day, but remember that tomorrow is a new day and a fresh start.


According to a study in the International Journal of Trichology, women who have telogen effluvium, a kind of stress-related hair loss, might reduce stress-related hair loss by practising deep breathing exercises. According to the study, the stress-busting techniques group’s hair density increased noticeably compared to the control group.

Another study found that the level of cortisol in a person’s hair is related to their long-term stress levels. They studied older adults and found that those with higher levels of perceived chronic stress also had higher levels of cortisol in their hair. This means that hair cortisol concentrations (HCC) can be used as an indicator of chronic stress.

Imagine, for example, that you had an extremely stressful work for many years. If your hair cortisol levels were analyzed, the results might indicate that you have greater levels of cortisol in your hair than someone who hasn’t worked in a stressful environment for a long time.

Taking deep breaths can be a fun and easy way to prevent hair loss! Not only is it a simple technique, plus, you can do it anywhere, whether you’re at home, work, or on the go. So, take a few moments each day to practice deep breathing exercises and improve the health of your hair.

For a more enjoyable experience, you can watch and learn from this voice chanting relaxation. After this, you won’t need to rely on anyone or anything else to make you feel better.

Relaxing all the muscles in the body can help to reduce stress and the many symptoms it produces. Follow this 8-minute sleep meditation, just relax, just let every muscle, every fibre in your body relax.

Myth #4:

You might expect greater hair growth after shaving.

Are you thinking of shaving your head to thicken your hair? Sorry, that’s not how it works. While the hair may appear thicker due to the blunt, shaved ends, it will grow back at the same rate and thickness as before. It’s like thinking that mowing your lawn will make the grass grow back thicker.


Shaving your hair won’t affect the thickness or rate of hair growth. However, shaving can lead to skin irritation or ingrown hairs, so it’s important to use proper shaving techniques and care for your scalp.

  1. Prepare your scalp: Before shaving, it’s important to soften the hairs and open the pores by washing your scalp with warm water and a gentle shampoo. This will also help to remove any dirt or oil buildup on the scalp.
  2. Use a good quality razor: A good quality razor with a sharp blade is important for a smooth shave. Make sure to replace the blades regularly to prevent irritation and infection.
  3. Shave in the direction of hair growth: Take your razor and hold it at a 30-degree angle to your skin. Begin shaving in the direction of hair growth, using gentle strokes.
  4. Moisturize: After shaving, apply a moisturizer or aftershave to soothe the scalp and prevent dryness or flakiness.
  5. Protect your scalp: If you’re going to be spending time in the sun, be sure to wear a hat or apply a sunscreen to protect your scalp from sunburn and damage.

Myth #5:

Wearing a hat or cap can cause hair loss.

Do you avoid wearing hats in fear of losing your luscious locks? Fear not, wearing a hat has no effect on hair loss. However, wearing a tight hat for extended periods of time can cause hair breakage or damage. It’s like wearing shoes that are too small – it’s not gonna kill you, but it’s not comfortable either.


There is no particular type of hat or cap that can prevent hair loss. However, wearing a hat or cap made of a breathable material like cotton or wool can help promote a healthy scalp and hair by allowing air flow and reducing sweat buildup. It’s also important to avoid wearing a hat or cap for extended periods of time and to give your scalp a break by taking off your hat or cap regularly throughout the day. Additionally, wearing a hat or cap with a loose fit can help prevent hair breakage and damage.

Myth #6:

Your hair may start to fall out if you color it.

close up of man in saloon, stylist is applying dye on hair and beard of a man

Are you hesitant to color your hair out of concern for losing it? Do not be concerned; hair color will not result in hair loss. However, over-processing your hair or employing harsh chemicals can cause breakage and damage. It’s like trying to bleach a red wine stain out of your favorite shirt – be gentle or risk damaging it permanently.


A study published in the International Journal of Trichology found that excessive hair dyeing, and using hair dyes that contain para-phenylenediamine (PPD) can cause allergic reactions, which can lead to hair loss.

Another study published in the Journal of Cosmetic Science found that hair dyes containing ammonia and hydrogen peroxide can lead to breakage and thinning. So, use a hair dye that’s free from these chemicals.

Myth #7:

Only guys lose their hair.

Do you believe that only men experience hair loss? All of us can have hair loss, though the causes and patterns might vary. It’s like thinking only men can get beer bellies – everyone’s body is different.


While hair loss can be a serious issue, there are some fun and lighthearted ways to approach it.

tough and macho bald happy man with a beard

For example, embrace your baldness and create amusing hairdos like the “monk cut,” in which you shave the sides and back of your head but leave a ring of hair around the top like a monk’s tonsure.

Experiment with creative facial hair, such as growing a beard or mustache to balance out your lack of hair on top. A completely shaved head can make you appear tough and macho. Use hats and headbands as accessories to spruce up your everyday appearance.

Myth #8:

Hair loss runs in the family. Can’t do anything about it.

father is bald and so son is worried if he will become bald too


Hair loss is not always genetic, and there are various factors like medications, hormonal changes, poor nutrition, especially a lack of protein, iron, and vitamins, tight hairstyles, heat styling, and chemical treatments, that can contribute to hair loss.

Here’s some interesting data that might boost your hope. Have you noticed several celebrities in the film industry who have a family history of hair loss but have not been affected by it? Here are a few examples:

  1. Matthew McConaughey: The Oscar-winning actor has a family history of male pattern baldness but has managed to keep his hair intact. He credits his healthy lifestyle, including a balanced diet and regular exercise, for his full head of hair.
  2. John Travolta: The iconic actor’s father and older brother both experienced hair loss, but Travolta himself has not. He has been seen with a full head of hair throughout his career.
  3. Jude Law: The British actor’s father and grandfather both experienced hair loss, but Law has not. He has been seen with a full head of hair throughout his career.

These celebrities show that even if you have a family history of hair loss, it does not necessarily mean that you will experience it as well. It’s important to take care of your hair and scalp to minimize the risk of hair loss, and to seek treatment if you do experience it.

Now that we’ve separated fact from fiction, you can make informed decisions about how to care for your hair and promote healthy hair growth.

Remember, taking care of your hair is like taking care of a precious plant – be gentle, be patient, and give it the love and attention it deserves.

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