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4 Self-Care Shortcuts You Need Every Day!

How does self-care vary for each individual and from day to day, and what is the key principle that remains constant for everyone? Here are four simple ways you can dedicate time to nurture yourself.
a women thinking head having poster with question mark
Source: Freepik

Imagine, on one of your hectic Monday mornings, you gradually awaken to the realization that you have overslept following a late-night Sunday blast with your friends. Panic begins to creep in as you glance at the clock, witnessing the precious minutes slipping away.

Ask yourself the first question:How am I feeling right now?

Though you feel anxious, you realize that rushing through your morning routine will only heighten your anxiety and make the day start off on a chaotic note. Instead of succumbing to stress, you decide to take a different approach. You pause, take a deep breath, and allow yourself a moment to collect your thoughts. You decide to embrace the scenario as an opportunity to practice mindfulness.

With a newfound sense of serenity, you swiftly gather your essentials and mentally map out a modified morning routine. You disrupt the usual order of events and approach this challenge with a creative mindset.

You dash into the kitchen, catching sight of a small vase filled with vibrant flowers on the windowsill. You pause a second to take a deep breath and take in the fragrance. The breakfast table becomes your makeshift haven for personal care. Armed with a washcloth and a bowl of warm water, you cleanse your face, while each stroke of the cloth becomes like a mini massage.

Next, you reach for a bottle of scented lotion and massage it into your skin, savoring the indulgent aroma. You pause one more time as the seconds pass, looking at your image in the mirror as you put on a pair of jeans and a shirt. You decide to eat a quick breakfast and go because you are short on time.

Though your morning may not have unfolded as planned, you give yourself a pat on the back for facing it with grace and composure.

Now, ask yourself the second question: “What actions can I take to improve my well-being?

On your way to the office, you make a mental note to prioritize your self-care needs. If you decide to go to bed early, aim to establish a regular sleep routine. You plan to manage your time effectively, reduce stress, and create a sense of order. By sticking to a schedule, you wish to establish healthy eating habits, allocate time for regular brisk walks, and attain a healthier work-life balance.

At the end of the day, ask yourself the third question: “In what ways can I support and assist others?”

For example, after a chaotic start, you’ve had a busy and stressful day at work, leaving you mentally drained. However, your friend Sasha is going through a tough time and looks up to you for some support. So, instead of completely neglecting your lack of sleep the night before and pushing yourself beyond your limits, you decide to find a middle ground.

You reach out to Sasha and offer a listening ear. However, you communicate your availability and boundaries honestly. You let her know that you’ve had a long day and might not be able to provide extensive support, but you’re still there for her to the best of your ability.

By setting these boundaries, you acknowledge your own needs and energy levels while still showing care and support for Sasha. This way, you maintain a balance between taking care of yourself and being there for Sasha.

As you go to bed, ask yourself the 4th question: “Which aspects of my life require nurturing and attention?

You come to the realization that your late-night events and excessive social media use have been causing you to neglect your goals. Determined to make a change, you decide to cut back on your Twitter and Instagram usage. Additionally, you set aside dedicated time each day to focus on your career. You sign up for online classes that you believe will be beneficial, and you commit to reading extensively to broaden your horizons. Moreover, you actively seek out workshops and seminars to refine your practical skills. In short, prioritizing self-care becomes your topmost priority.

These 4 self-care shortcuts recommended by MyfatDiet can help you feel more connected to yourself!

1. Body Scan Meditation:

You can either sit or lie down and close your eyes. Become aware of your breath. Follow along with this audio meditation which begins with your feet, moving your awareness step by step throughout the body. Once your whole body has been scanned, release your focus and gently open your eyes when you’re ready.

2. Self-talk: 

Use kind and supportive self-talk to promote self-compassion. Instead of criticizing yourself for mistakes, try to talk to yourself in a compassionate and understanding way. Look into the mirror, and say, “Today, I’m positive that I can deal with whatever that comes my way. I’m going for a 30-minute stroll, because I value my health greatly. I’ll get in touch with my sister, who has the flu, and stay by her side after work. I’m going to submit my project’s ppt and get a big pat on my back from my team leader”.

3. Self-image: 

Your mind and your self-image go hand in hand. What you truly believe about yourself shapes how you live.

A study has shown that using guided visualization techniques, like imagining yourself walking in a peaceful forest or sailing on a calm boat, can help you relax and feel positive. When you do guided visualization, you use your imagination to vividly picture what it would be like in those places, with all the sights, sounds and smells. This can make you feel calm and give you a break from everyday stress.

Doing guided visualization regularly can change how you see yourself. When you imagine yourself in peaceful and happy settings, it helps you feel good about yourself. This can boost your confidence and create a more positive self-image, self-esteem, and self-perception.

Here are a few guided visualizations to help you harness the power of your subconscious mind and create better thought and belief patterns.

4. Self-compassion: 

Being kind and compassionate towards yourself is important when you feel gloomy. Acknowledge and accept your emotions, and reframe negative self-talk.

Here are a few ways to turn around your negative emotions like shame, guilt, and confusion:

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