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Is it good to be good? Study says it is!

Whether you're in need of a quick pick-me-up or looking to infuse your day with positivity, Myfat Diet has got you covered. Get ready to unleash your goodness and let the good vibes flow with these delightful and amusing ideas.
good behavior of chimps

Meet Kirk and Arnold!

In a lush and bustling jungle, where chimpanzees gracefully swing and leap from branch to branch, an engaging story unfolds. These primates move both on all fours, leaning on their knuckles, and walk upright, showcasing their versatile nature. When night falls, they find refuge in tree nests made of branches and leaves. Their diet consists mainly of fruits, berries, leaves, blossoms, seeds, and they are not averse to indulging in bird eggs, chicks, and termites.

Within this chimpanzee community, Kirk assumes the role of the alpha male, while Rose commands as the alpha female. In times of conflict, the chimps instinctively turn to Kirk for support, as his involvement quickly quells the disputes. Despite his dominance, Kirk’s demeanor is not overly aggressive. While his presence may be intimidating, he possesses a remarkable sense of empathy and generosity.

Adjacent to Kirk in the hierarchy stands Arnold, the group’s enforcer. His role revolves around diffusing fights without requiring Kirk’s direct intervention. Arnold holds a respectable position within the hierarchy, striking a balance between influence and the understanding that occasional loss of respect may occur when intervening in conflicts—an outcome Kirk wishes to avoid risking.

One fateful day, Rocky, a young and determined chimp, feels an inner urge to challenge Kirk’s authority. As tensions rise, an unexpected partnership takes shape. Kirk, not yet ready to relinquish his position, aligns himself with the spirited and audacious Arnold. Together, they devise a cunning plan to confront the aspiring alpha, Rocky, and reclaim some of the privileges that had been lost. Their collaboration shines through as they strategise, provide unwavering support to one another, and forge a bond that transcends age and familial ties.

The good behavior of chimps…!

A study published in the journal Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, confirms the good behavior of chimpanzees. It revealed that chimps are willing to cooperate with the entire group’s benefit, regardless of their close relation. This behavior, known as “group augmentation,” demonstrates that chimps recognise the value of making small sacrifices for the greater safety and stability of the collective.

In another study, researchers discovered that chimpanzees reciprocate favors from past benefactors, even if it means receiving less food in return. This finding demonstrates chimps’ capacity for gratitude and their willingness to repay kindness, highlighting their remarkable ability for social bonding and cooperation.

Meet a colony of vampire bats!

a colony of vampire bats in a cave

Picture a dark cave nestled deep within the jungle, where a colony of vampire bats stirs as the night descends. In the moonlight, their sleek bodies shimmer, hinting at their elusive nature. These mysterious creatures embark on their nightly quest for sustenance, seeking the lifeblood of horses and cattle to feed upon. With their hunger satisfied, they return from their successful hunts, their bellies brimming with precious blood.

Yet, instead of solely savoring their feast, they engage in an extraordinary display of generosity—an act known as reciprocal altruism. These bats willingly regurgitate a portion of their meal to share with their hungry companions, forging a web of support and cooperation. In this selfless exchange, they understand the significance of giving back, knowing that they too shall benefit when they find themselves in need.

Meet the singers of the sea!

 a massive humpback whale emerges from the depths of the ocean

Venturing beyond the jungle, let’s dive into the vast and icy waters of Antarctica. Here, amidst the frozen landscape, a captivating scene unfolds. A vulnerable seal rests on a small, precarious ice floe, unaware of the lurking danger. Cunning killer whales circle, eyeing their potential prey.

Suddenly, like a magnificent guardian of the sea, a massive humpback whale emerges from the depths. With elegance and grace, it positions itself beneath the ice floe, offering a sanctuary for the seal. The humpback whale rolls over onto its back, providing a stable platform for the seal to rest upon. It nudges the seal gently, ensuring its safety as it teeters on the edge of the ice. The bond between these two species transcends the boundaries of predator and prey, showcasing an awe-inspiring act of compassion and protection.

Visualize the vivid colors, the lush foliage, the sparkling waters, and the majestic creatures that embody reciprocal altruism. It is a captivating tapestry of cooperation and empathy, where animals transcend their own interests to form bonds of mutual support and care.

kidney donors who donate their organs to strangers

Meet the kidney donors who donate their organs to strangers!

Last year alone, in the United States, over 20,000 kidney transplants took place, with some of these cases involving donors offering their organs to people they’ve never met before. It is an extraordinary display of altruism that prompts us to delve into the fascinating psychology behind these selfless individuals.

As researchers explore the motivations behind such acts, they have uncovered intriguing insights into the brains of these altruistic donors. Picture a state-of-the-art laboratory where scientists study brain scans and unravel the intricate workings of the human mind. In their investigations, they have discovered remarkable patterns within the brains of these extraordinary individuals.

Among the brain scans, a specific region captures their attention—a part of the brain associated with altruism and generosity. Here, something extraordinary is observed: the brains of these altruistic kidney donors possess an enlarged portion, the amygdala , containing just a little extra matter compared to the average person.

Meet the amygdala which generates your empathetic responses!

It allows you to connect with and understand the emotions of others. In people who exhibit reckless traits, the amygdala tends to be smaller than average. However, in the altruistic kidney donors, it emerges larger than average, boasting an 8% increase in size.

the amygdala which generates your empathetic responses

Here are 3 proven ideas, curated by MyfatDiet, that you could try whenever you want to feel good.

1. Watch comedy videos!

friends watching comedy video on phone together

For instance, two experiments were conducted, involving a total of 224 students. Experiment-1 examined the effects of watching motivational videos on the students’ minds and goal orientation, while Experiment-2 explored the effects of watching motivational and comedy videos on social adaptation, such as how they interacted with fellow students and teachers. The results showed that the students who continuously watched entertainment videos had a positive mindset.

2. Spend money on others!

Spend money on others. daughter giving a gift to her dad

Looks like how you feel depends on who you spend your money on, don’t you think? Researchers have studied the difference between strong ties and weak ties. Strong ties are relationships with frequent contact and high levels of intimacy, like close friends and family. Weak ties are relationships with less frequent contact and low levels of intimacy, like neighbors and acquaintances.

In a study, participants were given the option to choose a moment when they spent money on a strong tie or a poor tie, at random. In contrast to recalling spending on a weak tie, it was found that recalling spending on a strong tie brought higher levels of happy feelings. Surprisingly, there was virtually no difference in happy feelings when spending on a close family member versus a friend.

3. Eat lots of fruits and vegetables (FV)!

woman eating a whole lot of health fruits and vegetables

A study involved young adults who completed an online daily diary for 13 consecutive days. They reported their daily consumption of fruits and vegetables (FV), sweets, and chips, along with their levels of eudaemonic well-being, curiosity, creativity, positive effect, and negative effect.

The results showed that young adults who ate more FV had higher average levels of well-being, experienced greater curiosity, and demonstrated higher levels of creativity compared to those who ate less FV. The study didn’t find any carry-over effects of FV consumption or well-being onto the following day.

Let’s set aside the lighter times for the time being. These results highlight the link between feeling good and prosocial behavior.

Imagine these noble kidney donors as glowing beacons of compassion, empathy, and altruism in the tapestry of humanity. Their bigger amygdala is the epitome of their generous nature, allowing them to transcend familiar boundaries and provide the gift of life to those in need.

In the end, we are motivated by seeing these selfless people because it highlights the enormous potential of the human brain and the limitless compassion that everyone of us possesses.

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