Home » Have You Seen a “Unicorn” Employee with Gorgeous Horns?

Have You Seen a “Unicorn” Employee with Gorgeous Horns?

It's time to cultivate your soft skills, showcase them to potential employers, and stay ahead of the pack. With dedication, practice, and a willingness to learn and grow, you can elevate your professional profile and unlock exciting opportunities in your career.
 girls with happy face poster
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They are hard to find, like unicorns, but once hired, they set new standards for everyone in the workplace,” Hootsuite CEO Ryan Holmes wrote on LinkedIn. Unicorn employees work hard, wear many hats, have the ability to literally catapult their company to new heights, and are simply fun to be around.

Here’s how you can grow your unicorn horns!

When it comes to job requirements, hard skills like data mining or speaking multiple languages often receive the most attention. But let’s not forget about the unsung heroes of the professional world—soft skills.

Soft skills are all about who you are as a person, how you handle conflicts, manage your time, and interact with colleagues. They are the subtle yet powerful qualities that can make a real difference in your career.

Imagine a recruiter on the lookout for a sales position. Sure, they’ll be searching for someone who is skilled in persuasion and persistence, but they also desire someone who is open-minded and adaptable. These softer qualities, though less tangible, are highly valued by employers.

Soft skills are not limited to specific roles or industries. They are universally sought after in today’s workforce, from entry-level positions to the highest executive ranks. While soft skills alone may not secure you a job, when combined with a solid set of credentials, they can give you a significant advantage over other candidates.

So, when you’re preparing your job application, don’t just focus on your project-related achievements. Take the time to gather compliments from coworkers, heartfelt letters of gratitude from clients or colleagues, and include them in your brag folder. These testimonials not only highlight your professional accomplishments but also showcase your soft skills in action.

In the daily grind of any job, mastering soft skills is the secret to success. Effective time management keeps you on top of your tasks, while stress management ensures you maintain a cool head under pressure. Conflict resolution skills help you navigate tricky situations with grace, and teamwork allows you to collaborate seamlessly with others. Soft skills are, in essence, a blend of all these essential qualities.

Think of a time when you held back from lashing out in frustration—a moment when you exhibited self-control instead of succumbing to the “kick-the-dog” effect. Congratulations! You’ve already experienced the power of soft skills in action. Embrace and nurture these skills, and watch them pave the way for a fulfilling and successful professional journey.

In short, the phrase “kick the dog” is commonly used to describe a situation where someone displaces their anger or frustration onto a person or thing that is less powerful or innocent.

one man holding another mans tie in anger
source :freeppik

Imagine a scenario where your manager berates you over a trivial matter. However, you resist the urge to retaliate because you understand that doing so could cost you your job. Later in the day, as you continue your journey, you suddenly notice that one of your tires has gone flat. You gather the necessary tools and spare tire from your vehicle. Carefully lifting the car with a jack, you remove the damaged tire and replace it with the spare one.

On your way home, you find yourself stuck in heavy traffic for an additional two hours. By the time you finally arrive home, frustration and anger have built up inside you. In this moment, your beloved LHASA APSO, trying to show affection, accidentally trips you at the door. Overwhelmed by your emotions, you react by getting angry, smacking your dog’s behind, and shouting obscenities.

In the realm of unicorn employees, the concept of “kicking the dog” holds little place. Unicorn employees rise above the temptation to release their anger or frustrations onto others, especially those who are more vulnerable or innocent. They exhibit emotional intelligence and self-control, handling challenging situations with grace and empathy. Instead of succumbing to negative behavior, they channel their emotions positively and maintain a supportive and respectful approach in their interactions.

Here are the 6 key qualities of unicorn employees that you need to learn and develop:

man wearing unicorn mask
Source : freepik

Say “sorry. Take the initiative to roll with the punches. When life throws unexpected challenges your way, adopting a relaxed attitude can help you maintain clarity and perspective.

Forgive and forget. Acknowledge your mistakes and apologize when necessary to foster healthy relationships. Learning to forgive and let go of past grievances helps in your personal growth.

Pause before speaking. Taking a moment to pause and collect your thoughts before responding allows for more thoughtful and measured communication.

Make eye contact. Engaging in eye contact during conversations demonstrates attentiveness and respect, enhancing effective communication.

Decipher facial expressions. Being attuned to nonverbal cues, such as facial expressions, can help you understand others’ emotions and respond appropriately.

Say “we” rather than “me,”. Working together as a team and prioritizing collaboration over individualism helps create a positive work environment.

By focusing on cultivating these skills, you not only enhance your professional capabilities but also demonstrate your value to potential employers. Whether you’re in the midst of a job search or aiming for growth within your current role, showcasing your soft skills can give you a competitive edge.

1. Create a CC folder

one person holding a file in hand
Source: freepik

Apart from a brag folder that focuses solely on what you’ve done well, you need a CC (constructive criticism) folder to record what you’d do differently the next time to improve. Your CC folder can help you find your blind spots and perfect your skills. Admit your ignorance and stay open to new learning.  

2. Use the technique of active listening

two men discussing  on the table
Source: freepik

Most of the time, you practice critical listening. Active listening, on the other hand, focuses on understanding rather than responding. Your goal is to listen to, validate, and motivate the other person to find a solution.

3. Don’t Make Everything About Yourself

Remember that unicorns are seldom the center of attention. Use phrases like “Go on, I’m all ears” to reassure your friend whenever they want to vent to you. Do not guess or make any conclusions; instead, show your interest by asking generic questions such as, “Tell me what you think.” Stay away from stating things like, “I have no idea what you’re trying to say.” When they wish to share their tragic stories with you, never hint that you have been in the same situation as they are today.

When a close friend calls to complain about how difficult things have been since their recent breakup or how busy work has been, use the following etiquette:

  • Pay attention to the words and deeds of your friends. Don’t interrupt them by speaking too loudly or too hastily.
  • Put your phone aside, disregard preoccupations, and silence your inner chatter.
  • Keep a positive outlook. Lean forward a little, look the person in the eye, and listen with your arms uncrossed.
  • Spend some time intently listening while you understand facial expressions, “read” body language, and interpret emotions.

Once you recognize others’ emotions, empathy puts you squarely in that person’s shoes. Empathy is the ability to stand by someone else and briefly adopt their emotions as opposed to feeling how you would feel in that situation.

5. Recognize your emotional triggers:

Did you know that your mind takes up a lot of room and requires a lot of focus because of all the emotions that are always swirling around there? They are really painful, niggling, and pulling. Use Mind Sound Resonance Breathing to practice releasing all of your emotions one at a time.

Develop the habits necessary to control your emotions by keeping an eye on your own behavior. Negative emotions do not have to be a hindrance. Evidence suggests that despite how unpleasant they may feel, negative emotions may actually lead to constructive actions and ultimately fruitful results.

6. Get Ready To Transform:

Have you ever been blocked from learning anything new or developing yourself? If you stop there, you’re denying yourself the chance to grow. Perhaps development cannot occur without growth, and when you accept this obvious truth, you experience unfathomable growth. Use this “Transforming breath” and progress through several growth stages. The secret to transformation is now within your grasp!

7. Talk to yourself kindly. Spend some time in meditation. By engaging in mindfulness meditation, the prefrontal cortex, the part of the brain that inspires empathy, is stimulated.

Try this positive affirmation if you don’t know where to begin.

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