Just browse online, and you’ll see a whole lot of guys flaunting off six-packs or sculpted fitness models with washboard abs! What does your inner voice tell you whenever you see such pictures on IG or TikTok? If you’re anyone like me, you’ll ask yourself, “Does it matter if I have a 4-pack, 6-pack, or 8-pack?”
Nonetheless, have you ever made a quick Google search or looked up anything about 6-packs? Trust me, I have! What you’ll likely come across are numerous results promoting protein shakes ranging from A-Z. But it doesn’t stop there! You’ll also be bombarded with a wide range of intense weighted bar exercises.
While 6-packs can be attractive and appealing to some, for many, they may feel like a sore thumb. Therefore, the idea can become completely out of focus. Instead, why not join me in finding a middle ground and investing in building a strong core? Together, why don’t we build a solid foundation that supports both a fulfilling love life and day-to-day activities to avoid heart disease?
But before we delve into the topic, let me transport you to an imaginary scenario for a moment!
Who’s the mover and shaker who assists you in every step of your life? Any guesses?

Imagine you’re unhappy with your job and seeking a better salary and more growth opportunities. Then one fortunate day, luck shines upon you, and you land your dream job. You also find that the new city has reasonably priced housing with all the lifestyle conveniences you want. Excited about the possibilities, you decide to make the move.
I’d like to ask you a fascinating question right now! What would be your #1 priority as you prepare to relocate? You’d like your stuff to arrive in good condition at your new address, wouldn’t you? So, after a lot of research, you would find a reliable mover to transport your furniture and belongings, wouldn’t you?
Pause for a moment! While the movers may handle most of the physical work, there’s still a part you need to play. Have you ever contemplated discovering the reliable mover within your own body? Wondering who it is? Well, it’s none other than your strong core muscles! A solid core not only serves as your natural mover but also improves your self-esteem and has a long-lasting positive effect on your romantic life.
3 Tests You Can Try to Assess Your Core Strength!
Now, after reading about the glorious connection between core muscles and your love life, aren’t you curious to assess your core strength? Here are 3 ways to do that:
- Extensor endurance test
- Flexor endurance test
- Side bridge test
These tests can help you gauge the strength and endurance of your core muscles.
A word of caution: While these tests can be tried at home for fun, it’s important to note that they should be supervised by a healthcare practitioner. Be sure not to overdo them.
Extensor Endurance Test
Throughout the exam, keep your neck in neutral or flexion. The extension should not be allowed. You can have someone to assist you in stabilizing your pelvis and legs during the exam. Make sure your body is parallel to the ground and that your legs are steady. Instead of a Swiss ball, you can also lie face down, with your torso at the edge of a table. Place a pillow between your hips, to prevent an exaggerated inward curve of the spine. Try to maintain the position for up to 5 minutes.
The 5-minute benchmark is not universal. It’s more important to gauge your endurance during the exam and compare it to your baseline or previous performance.

What’s the purpose of this test?
As you take a look at those sitting around you, including you, there’s a lot of slouching around, isn’t it? So, the longer you’ve slouched in your lifetime, the weaker your lumbar extensor muscles become. These muscles are the ones that help you sit nice and tall. This test is to find out how long your extensor muscles can function before hitting a fatigue zone. The better the endurance of this muscle, the better your low back health. Don’t you think a strong back is a prerequisite for a passionate love life?
Flexor Endurance Test
Be seated with your hips and knees bent to 90 degrees, and keep your head in a neutral position. Place your arms across your chest or behind your head and engage your abs. Make sure not to arch your back and keep your shoulders open, maintaining a 60-degree position. Hold this position for as long as possible without any back support. If needed, you can ask someone to manually stabilize your toes. When you notice your shoulders rounded forward or any deviation in your neutral spine, stop the test. Finally, note the time achieved.
Once again, there is no benchmark. Just compare it to your previous performance or baseline.

Side Bridge Test
Be on your side with your legs extended, placing your lower arm under your body and your upper arm on the side of your body or extended above. Move into a side bridge position, supporting yourself with your forearm and palm facing down. Hold this position for as long as possible. Stop the test and note the time when you feel your hips dropping backward or downwards.

The Big 3 – Mobilizer, Stabilizer, and Load Transfer Core Muscles.
Mobilizer core muscles are known as primary mover muscles. They are the muscles that help you move your load with force during exercises. They are also the ones who actively engage and do the major chunk of work while you exercise. The burn you feel while working out is mostly the mobilizer muscles.
How can you strengthen the mobilizer core muscles?

1. Plank variations:
Planks engage the entire core, including the mobilizer muscles. Try different variations such as forearm planks, side planks, and high planks to challenge and strengthen your core.
2. Russian twists:
Sit on the floor with your knees bent and feet lifted off the ground. Hold a weight or medicine ball with both hands and rotate your torso from side to side, engaging your oblique muscles.
3. Bird dogs:

Start on all fours with your hands directly under your shoulders and knees under your hips. Extend your right arm forward while simultaneously extending your left leg backward, keeping your core engaged. Repeat on the other side.
4. Standing cable rotations:
Stand with your feet shoulder-width apart, holding a cable handle or resistance band with both hands. Rotate your torso to one side, keeping your hips stable. Return to the starting position and repeat on the other side.
5. Medicine ball slams
Hold a medicine ball above your head and forcefully slam it down to the ground while engaging your core. Catch the ball on the rebound and repeat for several reps.
Working out with free weights is a surefire way to build up your stabilizer muscles.
Core muscles, which include the abdominal and low-back muscles, play a fundamental role as stabilizers in almost any exercise. They provide stability and support to the spine, pelvis, and hips, allowing for efficient movement and force transfer throughout the body.
Stabilizer core muscles do not contribute directly to moving the load, but they help the primary movers to work efficiently. While primary movers are responsible for generating force and moving the load, stabilizer muscles work to stabilize and support specific parts of the body, allowing the primary movers to do their tasks effectively.

The lower back muscles, for instance, are the ones that stabilize your body as you lift the dumbbells above your head during the military press. Now, if they aren’t up to par, no matter how powerful your primary movers are, you won’t be able to apply more force or stay on top.
To strengthen the stabilizer core muscles, practice exercises that focus on stability and balance.
Here are some examples:
1. Stability ball exercises:

Utilize a stability ball to challenge your core stability. Exercises like stability ball pikes, stability ball knee tucks, and stability ball bridges engage the stabilizer muscles while working on balance and control.
2. Single-leg exercises:
Perform exercises that require balance and stability on one leg, such as single-leg deadlifts, single-leg squats, or single-leg standing exercises. These exercises activate the stabilizer muscles in your core and lower body to maintain balance and control.
3. Pilates and Yoga:
Movements like the Pilates Hundred, yoga boat pose, and bird dog variations are effective for stabilizing the core.
4. Balance exercises:
Do exercises that challenge your balance and proprioception, such as standing on one leg with your eyes closed or using a balance board or wobble cushion. These activities engage the stabilizer muscles as they work to maintain your body’s stability.
Practice Rotational movements and Dynamic stability to improve your load transfer core muscles.
The load-transfer core muscles are responsible for transferring forces between the upper and lower body. Here are some examples to strengthen them:
1. Woodchoppers:
Stand with your feet shoulder-width apart, holding a weight or medicine ball with both hands. Start with the weight at one side of your body near your hip. Engage your core and rotate your torso, swinging the weight diagonally across your body and above your opposite shoulder. Repeat on both sides.
2. Pallof press:
Attach a resistance band to a stable anchor point at chest height. Stand perpendicular to the anchor point and grab the band with both hands, holding it at your chest. Step away from the anchor point to create tension in the band. Engage your core and extend your arms straight forward, resisting the pull of the band. Hold for a few seconds and then return to the starting position.
3. Dead bug:
Lie on your back with your arms extended toward the ceiling and your knees bent at a 90-degree angle. Engage your core and lower one arm and the opposite leg toward the floor. Don’t allow your lower back to arch. Return to the starting position and repeat on the other side.
4. Single-arm farmer’s carry:
Hold a heavy weight in one hand and walk while maintaining an upright posture and engaged core. This exercise challenges the core muscles to stabilize and transfer the load between the sides.
Can you trust your core strength to keep you balanced, flexible, and in control during intimate activities?
The same core muscles that power your day-to-day vacuuming, mopping, and dusting actions can also bring intensity and pleasure to your love life. With your and your partner’s body in sync and your core muscles working harmoniously, you can explore new levels of passion and intimacy. A strong core can give you both the confidence to fully embrace your desires and express yourselves freely.
Here are a few core exercises that MyFat Diet suggests for people of all fitness levels. With just 20 minutes of dedicated effort each day, you can reshape not only your body but also your love life.
So, are you ready to take the first step toward a stronger core?
This level-1 practice led by Yoga expert Pete, slowly builds heat from tabletop and plank. It provides lower back support while also adding demanding up-level options for more intermediate and advanced practitioners.
Pete’s level-2 sequence strengthens the core with conscious reps of downward dog and plank pose, finishing with supporting backbends to relieve lower back strain.
Pete provides the techniques you need to strengthen your core. To build heat, this level-3 practice combines sun salutations with intense ab exercises.
What is the connection between core workouts and the love life?
Love life can get a boost upon the impact of core workouts. Improvement in overall physical fitness and body confidence, which in turn enhances intimacy and pleasure during intimate activities is a by-product of a strong core. Core strength provides better balance, flexibility, and control, allowing you and your partner to explore new levels of passion and express yourselves freely.
How can I assess my core strength?
Various tests are available to know about the core strength. Three common tests include the ex tensor endurance test, flex or endurance test, and side bridge test. These tests help gauge the strength and endurance of your core muscles. However, it is usually considered safe to assess it under the supervision of a healthcare provider. Also, the test should not be overdone.
What exercises can strengthen my core muscles?
Several exercises are there to strengthen your core muscles. For mobilizer core muscles, you can try plank variations, Russian twists, bird dogs, standing cable rotations, and medicine ball slams. Stabilizer core muscles can be strengthened through stability ball exercises, single-leg exercises, Pilates, yoga, and balance exercises. To improve load transfer core muscles, consider wood choppers, Pall of the press, dead bug, and single-arm farmer’s carry.
How can a strong core benefit my daily activities?
Overall body strength and efficiency are realized as a strong core provides stability to the spine, pelvis, and hips. This is reflected in daily activities such as lifting, carrying, and maintaining posture resulting in better performance. A strong core also helps prevent lower back pain and injury, allowing you to move with ease and confidence.
Can core workouts improve self-esteem?
Yes, core workouts can improve self-esteem. A stronger core and witness help with improvements in your physical strength and appearance. It helps in overcoming an inferiority complex and makes one feel confident in daily life. Feeling strong and confident in your skin can have a significant deal on overall self-esteem and well-being.
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